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Vester, Helmut, 1913-2002

LC control 99025040
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVester, Helmut, 1913-2002
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Variant(s)Vester, Hans Helmut Bruno, 1913-
Birth date1913-03-03
Death date2002
Place of birthHanau (Germany)
Field of activityPharmacy Book collecting
AffiliationUniversität München
Universität Bonn
Profession or occupationPharmacists Book collectors
Found inTopographische Literatursammlung zur Geschichte der deutschen Apotheken, 1956: t.p. (Helmut Vester)
Lischka, M. Vesters Archiv : eine universale Dokumentation und Sammlung zur Geschichte der Pharmazie, 1997: p. 10 (Hans Helmut Bruno Vester; b. 3/3/1913 in Hanau a.M.)
Die Areale und Arealtypen der Angiospermen-Familien, 1939: title page (Helmut Vester) page 195 (born 3 March 1913, Frankfurt am Main; briefly studied botany at the University of München but interrupted his studies to work in his father's pharmacy in Düsseldorf; studied pharmacy at the Universität Bonn, 1934-1936; PhD, botany, Universität München, 1939)
Universität Düsseldorf WWW site, viewed November 15, 2016 (Helmut Vester, 1913-2002; ran the family pharmacy, 1946-1981; collected material on the history of the German pharmacy, and on the history of pharmacology in general, with related material in botany, chemistry, and medicine; a major part of the collection is now the Pharmaziehistorische Bibliothek Dr. Helmut Vester at the Universität Düsseldorf)
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