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Sandri, Leonardo

LC control no.ns2019000158
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSandri, Leonardo
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Associated countryArgentina Vatican City
Birth date1943-11-18
Place of birthBuenos Aires (Argentina)
AffiliationCatholic Church. Congregatio pro Ecclesiis Orientalibus
Profession or occupationCardinals
Found inGiuliani, G. Karol è vivo: le foto più belle di Giovanni Paolo II, 2006: cover (presentazione di Mons. Leonardo Sandri)
Catholic Church. Congregatio pro Ecclesiis Orientalibus. Oriente cattolico, 2017: page vi (preface signed: Leonardo Card. Sandri, Prefetto)
English Wikipedia, viewed July 11, 2022 (Leonardo Sandri; born November 18, 1943, in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cardinal of the Catholic Church; he has been Prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches since June 2007; he was made cardinal in November, 2007; he served in the diplomatic service of the Holy See from 1974 to 1991; on January 24, 2020, Pope Francis approved his election as Vice Dean of the College of Cardinals)
Associated languageita spa