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LC control no.sh2002008811
Topical headingChalcogens
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Group 6a elements
Group 16 elements
Group VIa elements
Oxygen group elements
See alsoChemical elements
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Found inWork cat.: 2002154195: Saunders, N. Oxygen and the elements of group 16, c2003.
Britannica online, Nov. 20, 2002 (Oxygen group element; also called chalcogen; Group VIa)
Encyc. inorganic chem. (Chalcogens)
Old catalog heading (Chalcogens)
Ox. dict. sci. (Group 16 elements; a group of elements in the periodic table; oxygen, sulphur, selenium, tellurium, and polonium, which all have outer electronic configurations ns²np⁴ with no partly filled inner levels; also called chalcogens)
Am. heritage dict.: under Periodic table of the elements (Group 6a)
Grant & Hackh's chem.dict (chalcogens: chalkogens)