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Spandauer Zitadelle (Berlin, Germany)

LC control no.sh2003006145
Geographic headingSpandauer Zitadelle (Berlin, Germany)
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Variant(s)Spandau Citadel (Berlin, Germany)
Zitadelle Spandau (Berlin, Germany)
See alsoFortification--Germany
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Special noteThis heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
Found inWork cat.: Die Spandauer Zitadelle, c2002: t.p. (Spandauer Zitadelle) p. 11 (Zitadelle Spandau)
Michelin, Deutschland, c1992: p. 75 (under Berlin: Spandauer Zitadelle)
Michelin, Germany, c1993: p. 79 (under Berlin: Spandau Citadel, Spandauer Zitadelle; built in the second half of the 16th cent. on the site of a medieval castle at the confluence of the Havel and the Spree)