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Educational attainment

LC control no.sh2004014924
Topical headingEducational attainment
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Variant(s)Attainment, Educational
Education level completed
Level of education completed
School years completed
Years of school completed
See alsoAcademic achievement
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Found inWork cat.: Educational attainment in the United States: March 1991 and 1990, 1992: p. 1 ("The detailed tables present data on years of school completed by persons 15 years old and over ...")
Shafritz, J.M. The Facts on File dictionary of education, 1988 (educational attainment (years of school completed) - The highest grade of regular school attended and completed)
Demographic data terms: NYS Kids' Well-Being Indicators Clearinghouse, via WWW, Dec. 22, 2004 (Educational attainment - Refers to the highest level of education completed in terms of the highest degree or the highest level of schooling completed)
Encyclopedia of education, 2003: v. 8, index (educational attainment)
World education encyclopedia, 2001: v. 3, index (educational attainment, see Level of education completed)
ERIC, May 16, 2005 (educational attainment)
Not found inGreenwood dictionary of education, 2003; Dictionary of education, 1973; Rowntree, D. A dictionary of education, 1982