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LC control no.sh2013003511
Topical headingPrompters
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See alsoTheaters--Employees
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Found inWork cat.: Šaputanje života, 2012: English summary (Marija Maca Kljaić has been a prompter for half a century, working in all the professional theaters in Vojvodina; the best years of her life she spent in the prompt box)
Oxford Reference online website, December 6, 2013: from The concise Oxford companion to the theatre (Prompter--Person responsible for supplying the necessary 'next line' to an actor who has forgotten his part--a function assumed in the Elizabethan theatre by the book-holder.)
Oxford dictionaries online, December 6, 2013 (prompter--a person seated out of sight of the audience who supplies a forgotten word or line to an actor during the performance of a play.)
Theatre Crafts website, December 6, 2013 (Prompter--Person whose role is to follow the text of a play, and be ready to remind the actors of their lines if they forget them. In many older theatres, there is a prompt box downstage centre sunk into the stage, so that only the prompter's head is above stage where she/he can see the actors)
The free dictionary website, December 6, 2013 (Prompter; performing arts-theater; a person offstage who reminds actors of forgotten lines or cues)