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LC control no.sh2021004083
Topical headingNeurodiversity
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See alsoBrain--Variation
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Found inWork cat: Smith, Theo. Neurodiversity at work, 2021: galley (Neurodiversity is the idea that people have different brains and thought processes)
Neurodiversity, 2010: summary (too quick to pathologise brain differences. Indeed, in recent years, we have re-classified these differences, labeling many of them "disorders." What science actually suggests is that there are many different ways for our brains to be wired, and that there are actual "gifts" or "strengths" attached to some of these differences)
Neurodiversity, 2021: summary (presents neurodiversity's differences in brain function and behavior as part of the normal variation of the human population)
Constantino, C.D. What Can Stutterers Learn from the Neurodiversity Movement?; in Seminars in Speech and Language, v. 39, no. 4, 2018 Sept.; viewed via PubMed, June 2, 2021 Abstract (Rather than focusing on pathology and impairment, neurodiversity emphasizes natural variation and the unique skills, experiences, and traits of neurodivergent individuals)