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Agent Orange

LC control 85002177
Topical headingAgent Orange
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Variant(s)Herbicide Orange
Orange, Agent
Orange, Herbicide
See alsoDichlorophenoxyacetic acid
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Herbicides--War use
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Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid
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Found inWork cat.: U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Subcommittee on Medical Facilities and Benefits. Oversight hearing to receive testimony on agent orange, 1980: p. 147 ("2,4-D and 2,4,5-T are utilized in a 50:50 ratio only in Agent Orange") p. 163 ("Herbicide Orange - a 50:50 mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T")
NIH (Agent Orange use Oxins, Dioxanes, Pesticides, Herbicides, Phenoxyacetic acids, Chlorophenoxyacetic acids)
Hennepin (Agent Orange)
Britannica Yearbook, 1979: index (text has misinformation re Agent Orange)