LC control no. | sh 85004856 |
Topical heading | Anchorage |
Variant(s) | Ship anchorage Ships--Anchorage Vessel anchorage |
See also | Mooring of ships Roadsteads |
Found in | Vosper, Lloyd. Cruising Puget Sound and adjacent waters, ©1947: t.p. (anchorages and harbor data pertaining to the southern shore of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Islands of the San Juan Archipelago, Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound, Hood Canal, Saratoga Passage) Merriam-Webster dictionary online, July 24, 2019 (anchorage 1. a: a place where vessels anchor : a place suitable for anchoring b: the act of anchoring : the condition of being anchored) Anchorages and harbors of refuge, 2016, via NOAA Nautical charts website, viewed July 24, 2019 (The anchor symbol has been used for decades to represent an anchorage on U.S. nautical charts, but the specific meaning of the symbol has evolved over the years; In the past, distinct symbols differentiated anchorages for small and large vessels. This is no longer the case. The single black anchor symbol now represents non-regulated anchorages of unspecified size and shape) Federal register, vol. 82, no. 27 (Feb. 10, 2017), viewed online, July 24, 2019: p. 10313 (The Coast Guard proposes the creation of several new anchorages and holding areas as well as a non- anchorage area, the expansion of one existing general anchorage, and the establishment of new and clarification of existing regulations governing such anchorages and areas in the Puget Sound area) pp. 10315-10316 (anchorage regulations; Commencement Bay anchorages; Port Angeles anchorages; Vendovi anchorages; Budd Inlet anchorages; Anacortes anchorages) United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce. Amending the rules covering anchor lights and fog signals in special vessel anchorage areas, 1963. |