LC control no. | sh 85009651 |
Topical heading | Australians |
Variant(s) | Aussies |
See also | Ethnology--Australia |
Found in | Governance in the community college, c2008: table of contents (Yanks, Canucks, and Aussies) Kaplan-Myrth, N. Hard yakka, c2007: table of contents (Dinkum Aussies and blackfellas) Young people, leisure, and place, c2004: table of contents (Aussie kids) Wikipedia, Mar. 21, 2012: Australians (Australian people, or simply Australians, are the citizens of Australia. Australia is a multi-ethnic nation, and therefore the term "Australian" is not a racial identifier. Aside from the Indigenous Australian population, nearly all Australians or their ancestors immigrated within the past 230 years. Colloquial names used to refer to Australians include Aussies, and Antipodeans) Merriam-Webster online dict., Mar. 21, 2012 (Aussie: a native or inhabitant of Australia), Mar. 21, 2012 (Aussie. noun, Informal: an Australian) |