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Bases (Chemistry)

LC control 85012058
Topical headingBases (Chemistry)
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See alsoChemicals
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Found inWikipedia, July 17, 2012 (A base in chemistry is a substance that can accept hydrogen ions (protons) or more generally, donate a pair of valence electrons. A soluble base is referred to as an alkali if it contains and releases hydroxide ions (OH-) quantitatively.)
Chemicool dictionary, via WWW, July 17, 2012 (base: Substance which gives off hydroxide ions (OH-) in solution.), July 17, 2012 (base 17. Chemistry. a. a compound that reacts with an acid to form a salt, as ammonia, calcium hydroxide, or certain nitrogen-containing organic compounds. b. the hydroxide of a metal or of an electropositive element or group. c. a group or molecule that takes up or accepts protons. d. a molecule or ion containing an atom with a free pair of electrons that can be donated to an acid; an electron-pair donor. e. any of the purine and pyrimidine compounds found in nucleic acids: the purines adenine and guanine and the pyrimidines cytosine, thymine, and uracil.)