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LC control 85020016
Topical headingCapsaicin
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Variant(s)Axsain (Trademark)
Capsidol (Trademark)
Capsin (Trademark)
Capzasin (Trademark)
Gelcen (Trademark)
Katrum (Trademark)
NGX-4010 (Trademark)
Qutenza (Trademark)
Zacin (Trademark)
Zostrix (Trademark)
See alsoAnalgesics
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Found inMeSH 2011 (Capsaicin. An alkylamide found in Capsicum that acts at TRPV cation channels. UF Axsain; Capsaicine; Capsidol; Capsin; Capzasin; Gelcen; Katrum; NGX-4010; Zacin; Zostrix. Pharm. action: Antipruritics; Sensory System Agents. Previous indexing: Alkaloids (1966-1974), Amides (1966-1974), Capsicum (1966-1974), Catechols (1966-1974), Fatty Acids, Unsaturated (1973-1974). In MeSH tree structures under: Polyunsaturated Alkamides; Catechols; Solanaceous Alkaloids; and Fatty Acids, Monounsaturated)
Haak, D.C. Spicy variation, 2010: abstr. (capsaicin belongs to a class of chemicals which are only found in chili plants, capsaicinoids)
Wikipedia, Oct. 14, 2011 (Capsaicin and several related compounds are called capsaicinoids and are produced as a secondary metabolite by chili peppers, probably as deterrents against certain herbivores and fungi; Capsaicin is the main capsaicinoid in chili peppers, followed by dihydrocapsaicin. These two compounds are also about twice as potent to the taste and nerves as the minor capsaicinoids nordihydrocapsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin, and homocapsaicin. Capsaicin is currently used in topical ointments, as well as a high-dose dermal patch (trade name Qutenza), to relieve the pain of peripheral neuropathy such as post-herpetic neuralgia caused by shingles. Capsaicin creams are used to treat psoriasis as an effective way to reduce itching and inflammation; also the active ingredient in riot control and personal defense pepper spray chemical agents)
Mosby's dental dictionary, c2008, via, Oct. 14, 2011 (capsaicin; brand names: Zostrix, Capzasin-P, Axsain; drug class: topical analgesic for selected pain syndromes; action: depletes and prevents reaccumulation of substance P in peripheral sensory neurons; uses: neuralgia associated with herpes zoster, rheumatoid arthritis, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain.)
Mosby's medical dictionary, c2009, via, Oct. 14, 2011 (capsaicin: an alkaloid irritating to the skin and mucous membranes, the pungent active principle in capsicum. It is used in a cream that is a counterirritant and topical analgesic and also in pepper spray.)
Plant physiology, Aug. 2009: p. 1806 (Capsaicinoids are the pungent alkaloids that give hot peppers (Capsicum spp.) their spiciness)
Evaluation of capsaicinoid levels in pepper cultivars and assessment of antimicrobial activity of pepper extracts, via WWW, Oct. 14, 2011 (Analysis of extracts from Capsicum sp. has revealed a complex suite of secondary metabolites of the terpenoid and phenyl propanoid family of plant natural products. Capsaicin is the major constituent of extracts from the pepper fruit and several lesser concentrated capsaicinoids have been identified in some species. Capsaicin is nearly 64% of extracts, in some cultivars, with the remaining comprised of dihydrocapsaicin and other trace capsaicinoids. Although humans do not have taste receptors for capsaicinoids, the peripheral nervous system has receptors that bind capsaicin and mimic the pain sensation produced from heat. Capsaicin causes heat sensing neurons to send signals through the human body creating a burning sensation. The capsicum varieties have varying concentrations of capsaicin so their peppers vary in degrees of heat. The degree of heat is normally expressed as a Scoville number indicating the results of an organoleptic test (taste test). The applications of capsaicin are numerous and expand beyond culinary uses to include pepper spray, pain reliever, a deterrent for drug addiction, and potential therapeutics for human health including the treatment of prostate cancer.)
Journal of forensic sciences, May 2001: p. 502 (The term "capsaicinoids" describes a group of pungent chemical analogues found in hot peppers. There are five naturally occurring capsaicinoids: capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, and homodihydrocapsaicin. The most abundant and potent analogues in peppers (and consequently pepper extracts) are capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin. Nordihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, and homodihydrocapsaicin are also present, but generally contribute little to the total capsaicinoid concentration and pungency of the pepper. Capsaicinoids are the pharmacologically active and pain-producing components of the hot pepper. The characteristic chemical structure of capsaicin (or its analogues) contains a vanillamide moiety (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylamide) and an acyl chain containing 10 to 11 carbon atoms. Capsaicinoids produce pain by stimulating the vanilloid receptor.)