LC control no. | sh 85027044 |
LC classification | QC851 QC999 |
Topical heading | Climatology |
Variant(s) | Climate Climate science Climate sciences Science of climate |
See also | subdivision Climate under names of countries, cities, etc.; and subdivision Climatic factors under individual animals and groups of animals, individual plants and groups of plants, and individual land vehicles and types of land vehicles for works on the relation of those topics to climate, e.g. Fishes--Climatic factors; Corn--Climatic factors; Automobiles--Climatic factors Atmospheric science |
Found in | Ward, B. Communicating on climate change, c2008: p. vi (climate science) Atmospheric science for environmental scientists, 2009: pref. (the field of atmospheric science) contents (The climate of the Earth -- Chemical evolution of the atmosphere -- Atmospheric energy and the structure of the atmosphere -- Biogeochemical cycles -- Tropospheric chemistry and air pollution -- Cloud formation and chemistry -- Particulate matter in the atmosphere -- Stratospheric chemistry and ozone depletion -- Boundary layer meteorology and atmospheric dispersion -- Urban air pollution -- Global warming and climate change science) Glossary of meteorology, via American Meteorological Society website, Oct. 15, 2018 (climatology: The description and scientific study of climate. Descriptive climatology deals with the observed geographic or temporal distribution of meteorological observations over a specified period of time. Scientific climatology addresses the nature and controls of the earth's climate and the causes of climate variability and change on all timescales. The modern treatment of the nature and theory of climate, as opposed to a purely descriptive account, must deal with the dynamics of the entire atmosphere-ocean-land surface climate system, in terms of its internal interactions and its response to external factors, for example, incoming solar radiation. Applied climatology addresses the climate factors involved in a broad range of problems relating to the planning, design, operations, and other decision-making activities of climate sensitive sectors of modern society. See also applied climatology, climate, climate system, climate change.) Latest research and news by subject, Oct. 15, 2018 (Climate sciences: Climate science is the study of relatively long-term weather conditions, typically spanning decades to centuries but extending to geological timescales. The discipline is primarily concerned with atmospheric properties - for example temperature and humidity -- and patterns of circulation, as well as interactions with the ocean, the biosphere, and, over longer timescales, the geosphere.) Encyclopædia Britannica online, Oct. 15, 2018 (Atmospheric science: interdisciplinary field of study that combines the components of physics and chemistry that focus on the structure and dynamics of Earth's atmosphere. The atmospheric sciences are traditionally divided into three topical areas--meteorology (the study and forecasting of weather), climatology (the study of long-term atmospheric patterns and their influences), and aeronomy (the study of the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere).) |