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Entrées (Cooking)

LC control 85032006
LC classificationTX740
Topical headingEntrées (Cooking)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Cookery (Entrées)
Entrées (Cookery)
Main courses (Cooking)
Main dishes (Cooking)
See alsoCooking
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inRandom House (entrée: a dish served as the main course of a meal)
Web. 3 (entrée: a dish served between the main courses; in the U.S., the principal dish of the meal)
Hennepin (Cookery (Entrées))
Mariani. Dict. Am. food drink.
Shannon. Am. dict. culinary terms.
LC data base, 3/17/88 (Cookery (Entrées); main dish[es], entrée[s], main course[s])