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LC control 85036673
Topical headingDemonstrations
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Variant(s)Marches (Demonstrations)
Political demonstrations
Political marches
Political rallies
Public demonstrations
Rallies (Demonstrations)
See alsoCollective behavior
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Public meetings
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Scope noteHere are entered works on large public gatherings, marches, etc., organized for non-violent protest or affirmation, even though incidental disturbances or incipient rioting may occur.
Found inOCLC, May 21, 2000 (titles: Thank you Cuba for existing : solidarity rally for the 6th U.S.-Cuba Friendshipment, September 18, 19, 1996; Ku Klux Klan rally in Lansing, Michigan, April 23, 1994; The workingman's revolt : the Vancouver Asiatic exclusion rally of 1907; Black religion after the Million Man March; Black religious leadership from the slave community to the Million Man March; Gay & lesbian march on Washington; Gay and lesbian rally : march on Washington)
Random House Web. unabr. dict., c1997 (rally: a drawing or coming together of persons, as for common action, as in a mass meeting: "A political rally that brought together hundreds of the faithful.")