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LC control 85047658
LC classificationSF94.5 SF99
Topical headingFeeds
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Variant(s)Animal feeds
Animal rations
Animals--Feeding and feeds
Domestic animals--Feeding and feeds
Feeding and feeding stuffs
Feeding stuffs
Livestock--Feeding and feeds
Livestock rations
Rations, Animal
Rations, Livestock
See alsosubdivision Feeding and feeds under individual animals and groups of animals, e.g. Cattle--Feeding and feeds; Fishes--Feeding and feeds
Farm supplies
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Animal feeding
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Fodder banks
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the nutritional preparations provided for animals by humans. Works on the nutritional substances animals find or provide for themselves as well as works on their food habits are entered under Animals--Food. Works on the process of providing nourishment to animals are entered under Animal feeding.
Subject example tracingNotes under Animal feeding; Animals--Food
Found inLC database, August 2, 2002 (titles: livestock rations; rations for farm animals)