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LC control 85062285
LC classificationRA960 RA1000.5
Topical headingHospitals
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Variant(s)Benevolent institutions
See alsosubdivision Hospitals under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and individual diseases and types of diseases, e.g. Cancer--Hospitals; Tuberculosis--Hospitals; and names of individual hospitals
Health facilities
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Found inWork cat.: 2016366014: Glanc, M. Modelos de asociación público privada en el desarrollo de hospitales públicos en Latinoamérica, 2015: t.p. ([cataloger's translation] Models of public-private sector cooperation the development of public hospitals in Latin America)
Merriam-Webster unabridged, via WWW, May 3, 2017 (hospital: 3a: an institution or place where sick or injured persons are given medical or surgical care)