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LC control 85068390
LC classificationBP1 BP223
Topical headingIslam
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See alsoheadings with Islam added in parentheses, e.g. Kufr (Islam); and subdivision Islam under religious topics, e.g. Mysticism--Islam; also headings beginning with the words Islamic and Muslim
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the religion of which Muhammad is the prophet. Works on the community of believers in Islam are entered under Muslims. Works on the group of countries in which the majority of the people are Muslims or in which Islam is the established religion are entered under Islamic countries. Works on the cultural system or civilization erected on the foundation of the religion Islam are entered under specific headings according to period covered, e.g. Civilization, Islamic (for the medieval period); Islamic countries--Civilization (for the modern period and general works).
Subject example tracingNotes under Islamic countries; Muslims