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Low German language

LC control 85078636
LC classificationPF5601 PF5844
Topical headingLow German language
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Variant(s)Low Saxon language
See alsoGermanic languages
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Found inA dictionary of Plautdietsch rhyming words, 2002.
Ethnologue WWW site, Feb. 24, 2009 (under Germany: Saxon, Low; alternate names: Neddersassisch, Niedersaechsisch, Nedersaksisch, Low German, Plattdütsch, Nedderdütsch; classification: Indo-European, Germanic, West, Low Saxon-Low Franconian, Low Saxon; direct descendant of Old Saxon, related to English; not intelligible to speakers of Standard German; officially recognized as a regional (separate) language in eight states of Germany, and as a regional (separate) language by the European Charta on Languages; separate listings for Achterhoeks, Drents, Gronings, Sallands, Stellingwerfs, Twents, and Veluws under Netherlands, Westphalien [i.e. Westphalian?] under Germany, and Plautdietsch under Canada)