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Traditional medicine

LC control 85083164
LC classificationGN477 GN477.7 Ethnology
GR880 Folklore
Topical headingTraditional medicine
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Variant(s)Ethnic medicine
Folk medicine
Home cures
Home medicine
Home remedies
Indigenous medicine
Medical folklore
Medicine, Primitive
Primitive medicine
Surgery, Primitive
See alsosubdivision Medicine under ethnic groups
Alternative medicine
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Medical anthropology
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Found inPhone call, Dec. 14, 1992, to American Anthropological Association.
MESH (Medicine, Traditional with ref. from Ethnomedicine, Folk medicine, Indigenous medicine, and Medicine, Primitive)
Phone call to NLM, Jan. 13, 1993 ("traditional medicine")
LC data base, Jan. 13, 1993 ("traditional medicine, folk medicine, ethnomedicine, indigenous medicine, and ethnic medicine")
Phone call, Dec. 14, 1992, to American Folklife Center (Folk medicine is still the preferred term in folklore, but they do not object to the change)
97-72868: Old-time home remedies, c1998.
Not found inDorland's med. dict.; Mosby's med. dict., 1990; Random House; Stedman's med. dict.; Web. 3