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Naxi (Chinese people)

LC control 85087465
Topical headingNaxi (Chinese people)
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Variant(s)Moso (Chinese people)
Moso (Tribe)
Mosso (Chinese people)
Na-hsi (Chinese people)
Na-khi (Chinese people)
Nahsi (Chinese people)
Nakhi (Chinese people)
See alsoEthnology--China
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Tibeto-Burman peoples
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Yi (Chinese people)
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Found inBritannica Micro.: v. 10, p. 818 (Nakhi)
Murdock world cult.: p. 8 (Nakhi, Moso, Nahsi)
Curr. trends ling. v. 2, p. 161 (Nahsi)
Voegelin lang.: p. 90 (Moso, Mosso, Nahsi, Noshi, Nakhi, Lomi)
Ramsey, S. Languages of China, 1987: p. 264⁺ (Naxi, "in the past were also known as Moso")
Ethnologue: p. 454 (Naxi, Nahsi, Nasi, Nakhi, Lomi, Moso, Mosso)
LC database, Feb. 25, 1991 (Na-khi, Na-hsi)