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Organic farming

LC control 85095504
LC classificationS605.5
Topical headingOrganic farming
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Variant(s)Ecological agriculture
Organic agriculture
Organic crops
Organic cultivation
Organic production of crops
Regenerative agriculture
See alsosubdivision Organic farming under individual crops and groups of crops, e.g. Corn--Organic farming
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inLetter from F. Pohl, Mann Library, March 27, 1990, and phone call to J. Maclean, NAL, April 5, 1990 (similar headings: biodynamic agriculture, biological agriculture, ecological agriculture, regenerative agriculture)
Martínez-Sánchez, J.C. The role of organic production in biodiversity conservation in shade coffee plantations, 2008: abstr. (impact of organic agriculture in coffee plantations in Nicaragua; coffee cultivation) p. 1, etc. (coffee grown under shaded conditions and organically cultivated; organic cultivation; organic coffee; organic farms; organic coffee plantations; organic coffee production)
Organic cotton : from field to final product, 1999.
OCLC, Nov. 7, 2008 (organic sweet corn systems; organic sweet corn production; organic field corn production)
Organic agriculture in the U.S., c2007.