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LC control 85104183
LC classificationHV7551 HV8280.9
Topical headingPolice
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Law enforcement officers
Officers, Law enforcement
Officers, Police
Police forces
Police--Legal status, laws, etc.
Police officers
Police service
See alsoCriminal justice, Administration of
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Criminal justice personnel
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Peace officers
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Public safety
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Security systems
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Subject example tracingExample under Municipal services
Found inLC database, May 24, 2000 (cops; street cops; officers; officer's)
The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste: a new police service, a new beginning, 2003: 1st group, pp. 1-3 (a national police service; policing; the police service)
Police forces in history, 1975.
Police forces : a cultural history of an institution, 2007.
Chabotar, K. Measuring the costs of police services, 1982.
Bloch, P.B. Equality of distribution of police services : a case study of Washington, D.C., 1974.