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Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.)

LC control 85117360
Geographic headingSanta Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.)
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Geographic subdivision usageCalifornia--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)
Variant(s)Garden of the World, The (Calif.)
Llano de los Robles (Calif.)
Robles del Puerto de San Francisco (Calif.)
Santa Clara Valley (San Benito County and Santa Clara County, Calif.)
Silicon Valley (Calif.)
Thamien (Calif.)
The Garden of the World (Calif.)
See alsoValleys--California
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Found inGNIS, Oct. 16, 2000 (Santa Clara Valley, valley, Calif., Santa Clara Co., variant names: Llano de los Robles, Robles del Puerto de San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Thamien, The Garden of the World; separate entry for area Thamien, area, Calif., Santa Clara Co., variant name: Tares; separate entry for San Juan Valley, valley, Calif., San Benito and Santa Clara Cos., variant names: Cañada de San Benito, Llano de San Juan, San Benito Valley)
Web. geog. (Silicon Valley. Strip in Santa Clara co., W California bet. San Jose and Palo Alto; came into prominence in early 1980s as a center of high-technology industries, whence the name originates--an unofficial term)
Columbia gaz. of the world, c1998 (Santa Clara Valley, in Santa Clara and San Benito cos., W Calif., S extension of San Francisco Bay depression, stretching c.75 mi/121 km SE from bay shore, bet. Santa Cruz Mts. and Gabilan Range (W) and Diablo Range (E), to point where ranges converge; 15 mi/24 km wide in N. Drained by Coyote Creek and short Guadalupe Creek in N; S of Gilroy, where Pajaro R. valley breaks mt. barrier to W separating Santa Cruz (N) and Gabilan (S) ranges; valley's S sect. is given local names (San Juan Valley, San Benito Valley). Better known now as Silicon Valley because of concentration of computer industry)
LC database, Oct. 16, 2000 (titles: Art collectors in and around Silicon Valley, 1985; Rich's business guide to Santa Clara County's Silicon Valley & Northern California; Map of Silicon Valley)
GeoNames [algorithmically matched] valley; 37°14ʹ56ʺN 121°50ʹ24ʺW