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Titicaca, Lake (Peru and Bolivia)

LC control 85135652
Geographic headingTiticaca, Lake (Peru and Bolivia)
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Geographic subdivision usageTiticaca, Lake (Peru and Bolivia)
Variant(s)Lago Titicaca (Peru and Bolivia)
Lago Titikaka (Peru and Bolivia)
Lake Titicaca (Peru and Bolivia)
Titicaca Lake (Peru and Bolivia)
See alsoLakes--Bolivia
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Found inLines in the water : nature and culture at Lake Titicaca, c2002: t.p. (Puno, Peruvian city on the shores of Lake Titicaca)
Rutas de viaje. Lago Titikaka, Bolivia ... c2002.
Merriam Webster's geographical dict., 1997 (Titicaca, Lake; lake on Peru-Bolivia boundary; 122 mi. long, 45 mi. wide; highest large navigable lake in the world; the Cordillera Real of the Andes is on its E. side)