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Unidentified flying objects

LC control 85139676
LC classificationTL789 TL789.6
Topical headingUnidentified flying objects
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Variant(s)AAVs (Anomalous aerial vehicles)
Anomalous aerial vehicles
Flying saucers
Saucers, Flying
UAPs (Unexplained aerial phenomena)
UASs (Unidentified aerial systems)
UFO phenomena
Unexplained aerial objects
Unexplained aerial phenomena
Unidentified aerial phenomena
Unidentified aerial systems
Unidentified anomalous phenomena
See alsoAeronautics
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Curiosities and wonders
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Found inRitchie, D. UFO, 1994: p. 67 (UFO phenomena)
LC database, Feb. 28, 1996 (titles: ufology)
Work cat: Vallee, J. Unexplained aerial objects from antiquity to modern times, 2010.
New York times, 11 May 2016: page A16 (A candidate who is resonating with U.F.O. buffs: "You know there's a new name," Mrs. Clinton said in the March appearance. "It's unexplained aerial phenomenon," she said. "U.A.P. That's the latest nomenclature.")
Aerial phenomenon, Inc. website, viewed July 14, 2016 (API is a worldwide UFO investigations team about the scientific investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as UAPs or UFOs))
United States. Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Preliminary assessment, unidentified aerial phenomena, 2021: page 2 (UAP) page 8 (Airborne objects not immediately identifiable)
Fiscal year ... consolidated annual report on unidentified anomalous phenomena, 2023: page 14 (Sources of anomalous detections in one or more domain (i.e. airborne, seaborne, spaceborne, and/or transmedium) that are not yet attributable to known actors and that demonstrate behaviors that are not readily understood by sensors or observers; "Anomalous detections" include but are not limited to phenomena that demonstrate apparent capabilities or material that exceed known performance envelopes; A UAP may consist of one or more unidentified anomalous objects and may persist over an extended period of time
Merriam-Webster dictionary website, Nov. 9, 2023: flying saucer (first known use: 1947) unidentified flying object (first known use: 1947) unidentified aerial phenomenon (a mysterious flying object in the sky that is sometimes assumed to be a spaceship from another planet: UAP-- used especially as an alternative to UFO or unidentified flying object; first known use: 1949) unidentified anomalous phenomena (a mysterious phenomenon (especially an unidentified aerial phenomenon) that is sometimes assumed to be a spaceship from another planet; Unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAP, "are events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena from a scientific perspective"; The term UAP, originally meaning unidentified aerial phenomena; The change occurred in recognition of the fact that the search for UAP should include near space and undersea phenomena as well; first known use: 2020)
Wikipedia, Nov. 9, 2023: unidentified flying object (or unidentified anomalous phenomenon; In popular usage, the term UFO came to be used to refer to claims of alien spacecraft, and because of the public and media ridicule associated with the topic, some ufologists and investigators prefer to use terms such as "unidentified aerial phenomenon" or simply "anomalous phenomena"; Anomalous aerial vehicle" (AAV) or "unidentified aerial system" (UAS) are also sometimes used in a military aviation context to describe unidentified targets; "aside from UAP's more encompassing description, this term avoids the heavy cultural baggage attached to UFO, whose initial association with extraterrestrial origins ...sets up a narrow and inflexible framework for honest scientific research")