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LC control 85141203
LC classificationDS422.C3 India
DS493.9.D24 Nepal
Topical headingDalits
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Variant(s)Depressed classes (South Asia)
Scheduled castes (India)
See alsoCaste--South Asia
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Ethnology--South Asia
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India--Scheduled tribes
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Found inWeb. 3 (scheduled caste: untouchable; harijan: untouchable)
LC database, Apr. 14, 2000 (dalits; depressed classes; harijans; scheduled castes; untouchables)
Wikipedia, March 30, 2007 ("dalit" is the latest and most politically correct of many terms used for the former "untouchables" of India; dalites are also found in Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh; in Pakistan, more than 60 percent of the 1.4 million person Hindu minority are Dalits)