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Cygnus X-3

LC control 86003610
Geographic headingCygnus X-3
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Variant(s)2U 2030+40 (Astronomy)
Cyg X-3
See alsoDouble stars
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Radio sources (Astronomy)
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X-ray sources, Galactic
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Special noteThis heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
Found inWork cat: New particles 1985, c1986.
Gloss. of astronomy & astrophysics (2U 2030+40; X-ray binary)
McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech. (Abbreviated as Cyg X-3)
Not found inWeb. 3; NASA; INIS:Thes.; Macmillan dict. astron.; Dict. astron., space & atmos. phen.; Encyc. astron.