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International trade

LC control 87004890
LC classificationHF1371 HF1379
Topical headingInternational trade
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Variant(s)External trade
Foreign commerce
Foreign trade
Global commerce
Global trade
Trade, International
World trade
See alsoCommerce
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International economic relations
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Non-traded goods
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Scope noteHere are entered works on trade among nations. Works on foreign trade of specific countries, cities, etc. are entered under headings of the type [place]--Commerce, further subdivided by place, if appropriate. If so subdivided, a second heading is assigned with the place names in reverse positions, e.g. 1. Canada--Commerce--United States. 2. United States--Commerce--Canada.
Found inUMI business vocab. (World trade, use International trade)
IMF Glossary.
Political Science Thesaurus.
OECD Macrothesaurus.
UNBIS Thesaurus.
World Bank Thesaurus.
Encyc. of bus., 1995: v. 1, p. 684 (global trade; international trade)
Tech. and global trade, 1997, in "Long Island business news", n56, Jan. 20, 1997, p. 29.
State, W. Facilitating global commerce, 1995, in "Dispute Resolution Journal", v. 50, Jan. 1995, p. 2.
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