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Dark matter (Astronomy)

LC control 87007317
LC classificationQB791.3
Topical headingDark matter (Astronomy)
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Variant(s)Nonluminous matter (Astronomy)
Unobserved matter (Astronomy)
Unseen matter (Astronomy)
See alsoInterstellar matter
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Found inWork cat.: Tucker, W.H. The dark matter : contemporary science's quest ... in our universe, 1988.
Facts file dict. astron. (Matter that comprises 90% of the mass of the universe but is undetectable except by its gravitational effects.)
INIS: Thes. (Prefers: Nonluminous matter; also, see references: Unobserved matter; Unseen matter)
LC database, Nov. 16, 1987.
NASA (Dark matter)
Not found inBritannica Micro.; Conc. encyc. astron.; Dict. astron., space & atmos. phen.; Encyc. astron.; Gloss. astron. & astrophysics; INSPEC; New space encyc.; Web. 3