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Api (Nepal)

LC control 87007548
Geographic headingApi (Nepal)
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Geographic subdivision usageNepal--Api
See alsoMountains--Nepal
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Found inWork cat.: Mandala Graphic Art (Firm). Latest trekking map, far west, Jumla to Api & Saipal Himal, 1987.
BGN, Sept. 14, 1987 (Api, mountain, 30⁰00ʹN, 80⁰57ʹE)
Lippincott (Api, mountain, in main range of W Nepal Himalayas, NW Nepal)
Rand McNally (Api, peak, Nep.)
Web. geog. (Api, peak in the Himalayas, NW corner of Nepal)
GeoNames [algorithmically matched] summit; 30°00ʹ00ʺN 080°57ʹ00ʺE