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Proton-induced X-ray emission

LC control 88001890
LC classificationQD96.X2
Topical headingProton-induced X-ray emission
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Variant(s)PIXE (Spectrum analysis)
X-ray emission, Proton-induced
See alsoX-ray spectroscopy
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Found inWork cat.: Johansson, S.A.E. Proton-induced X-ray emission, 1988: CIP galley (proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE); an analytical method based on X-ray spectrometry)
McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech. (proton-induced X-ray emission: method of elemental analysis in which the energy of the characteristic x-rays emitted when a sample is bombarded with a beam of energetic protons is used to identify the elements present in the sample)
LC data base, 3/28/88 (proton-induced X-ray emisssion)
INSPEC (proton induced X-ray emission, USE Ion microprobe analysis, X-ray chemical analysis)
Not found inChem. abst.; Compend. analyt. nomenclature; INIS; NASA; Web. 3