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Naturpark Stromberg-Heuchelberg (Germany)

LC control 88007032
Geographic headingNaturpark Stromberg-Heuchelberg (Germany)
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Geographic subdivision usageGermany--Naturpark Stromberg-Heuchelberg
Variant(s)Stromberg-Heuchelberg, Naturpark (Germany)
See alsoNatural areas--Germany
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Found inWork cat.: Landesvermessungsamt Baden-Württemberg. Naturpark Stromberg-Heuchelberg, topographische Karte 1:50 000 ... 1988.
BGN, Oct. 12, 1988 (Stromberg-Heuchelberg, Naturpark, PRK, 49⁰00ʹN, 9⁰00ʹE)
Der Grosse ADAC General Atlas.
GeoNames [algorithmically matched] park; 49°00ʹ00ʺN 009°00ʹ00ʺE
Not found inLippincott; Rand McNally; Web. geog.