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Video recording

LC control 92003035
LC classificationTR845 TR899
Topical headingVideo recording
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Variant(s)Cinematography--Electronic methods
Electronic cinematography
Video tape recorders and recording
Video tape recording
Video taping
Videotape recording
See alsoMagnetic recorders and recording
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Scope noteHere are entered works on the technical aspects of making video recordings, i.e., creating and storing moving images in an electronic form and displaying them on an electronic display. Works on the artistic aspects of making video recordings are entered under Video recordings--Production and direction. Works on the technical aspects of making motion pictures and their projection onto a screen are entered under Cinematography. General works on motion pictures themselves, including motion pictures as an art form, copyrighting, distribution, editing, plots, production, etc. are entered under Motion pictures.
Subject example tracingNotes under Cinematography; Motion pictures; Video recordings--Production and direction
Found inWork cat.: Harwood, D. Everything you always wanted to know about video tape recording, 1974.
INSPEC, 1989 (Video recording)
Hennepin (Video taping)
LC database, May 18, 1992 (Videography)
Gross, L. Electronic moviemaking, 1997 (Electronic cinematography)