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Deutsch-Belgischer Naturpark (Germany and Belgium)

LC control 92006094
Geographic headingDeutsch-Belgischer Naturpark (Germany and Belgium)
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Geographic subdivision usageDeutsch-Belgischer Naturpark (Germany and Belgium)
Variant(s)Parc naturel germano-belge (Germany and Belgium)
See alsoNational parks and reserves--Belgium
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National parks and reserves--Germany
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Natural areas--Belgium
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Natural areas--Germany
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Found inWork cat.: Landesvermessungsamt Nordrhein-West-falen. Wanderkarte 1:50000. Deutsch-Belgischer Naturpark, 1990.
BGN, Oct. 14, 1992 (Deutsch-Belgischer Naturpark [Germany]; Parc Naturel Germano-Belge [Belgium], nature park, 50⁰40ʹN, 6⁰20ʹE)
BGN (park; 50°40ʹ00ʺN 006°20ʹ00ʺE)
Not found inLippincott; Rand McNally; Web. geog.