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Oldenburg family

LC control 94002119
Family name headingOldenburg family
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Variant(s)Oldenborg family
Oldenbourg family
Oldenburger family
See alsoUylenburgh family
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inWork cat.: 93077237: Langer, K.P.R. The Kessin/Kassien-Oldenburg family history and related families, 1993 (Oldenburg)
2001368395: Ebens, M.J.C. Our Scandinavian ancestors : Oldenborg and Tetsche of Denmark, Sather and Vinje of Norway, 2001 (Oldenborg)
Am. fam. names (Oldenburg; Oldenburger)
Uylenburgh & Son, 2006: biog. (Dutch Mennonite family of artisans and art dealers living and working in Cracow, Danzig, and Amsterdam from the late 16th through the 17th centuries; variant spellings from documents relating to family history ... Oldenborg ...)
Not found inCent. pop. growth