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Digital libraries

LC control 95008857
Topical headingDigital libraries
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Variant(s)Digital curation
Digital media collections
Digital media libraries
Digital repositories
Electronic libraries
Electronic publication collections
Electronic publication libraries
Electronic text collections
Repositories, Digital
Virtual libraries
See alsoLibraries
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Information storage and retrieval systems
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Web archives
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Scope noteHere are entered works on collections of resources in digital formats. Works on collections of discrete items of related data that can be accessed individually, in combination, or as a whole are entered under Data sets.
Found inWork cat.: 95040028: The National Electronic Library, 1996.
95159026: Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94, the first annual Conference on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 1994: pp. 1-2 (Digital library, electronic library, virtual library all used as synonymous in paper, "does not seem clear in the literature if what is meant by the digital library is a series of ... collections or one ... collection") p. 163 (prevailing view is that digital libraries are archival collections of digital materials to be browsed and queried by information-seeking individuals)
MAG3 Sept. 20, 1995: r "digital libraries".
The evolving virtual library, 1995.
WWW, Oct. 3, 2000 (electronic text collections; digital libraries)
Rhyno, A. Using open source systems for digital libraries, 2003 (Digital Library Federation definiton of "digital libraries" quoted in Preface: "organizations that provide the resources, including the specialized staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collections of digital works so that they are readily and economically available for use by a defined community or set of communities.")
What is? via TechTarget, viewed Nov. 5, 2018 (A digital library is a collection of documents in organized electronic form, available on the Internet or on CD-ROM (compact-disk read-only memory) disks. Depending on the specific library, a user may be able to access magazine articles, books, papers, images, sound files, and videos)
Techopedia, viewed online Nov. 5, 2018 (A digital library, unlike other forms of media such as print or microform, is a specialized form of library that encompasses a collection of digital assets. Such digital objects can be in the form of visual material, text, audio or video that are in electronic media forms. As it is a library, it also has features to organize, store and retrieve media or files that make up the collection. Content in a digital library may also be stored locally or accessed by means of networks when stored remotely)