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Electronic commerce

LC control 96008434
LC classificationHF5548.32 HF5548.34
Topical headingElectronic commerce
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Digital business
Digital commerce
Electronic business
Internet commerce
Internet retailing
Online commerce
Web retailing
See alsoCommerce
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Information superhighway
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the exchange of goods and services and the transfer of funds through electronic communications.
Found inWork cat: 96027588: Readings in electronic commerce, 1997 (Electronic commerce; Cybercommerce; Online commerce)
96030846: International Forum on Electronic Commerce (1996: Peking, China). Globalizing electronic commerce : report on the International Forum on Electronic Commerce, Beijing, China, 20-21 March 1996, 1996 (electronic commerce)
Free online dict. of computing, WWW site, Aug. 7, 1996 (Electronic commerce)
00020814: 10-second Internet manager, 2000: CIP galley (e-commerce, e-business)
ixquick Web search, Nov. 3, 2000 (numerous hits under terms ebusiness, ecommerce)
Netstart eBusiness Web site, Nov. 3, 2000 (eBusiness; eCommerce)
eBusiness Technologies Web site, Nov. 3, 2000 (eBusiness, e-business, eCommerce)
LC database, Sept. 30, 2003 (electronic business)
Tiernan, B. e-tailing, 2000: p. xv ("What is the new paradign for e-tailing, the electronic aspect of retail commerce?")
Alltheweb search, Jan. 28, 2004 (Web retailing; Internet retailing)
Fostering women entrepreneurship in the digital economy, 2022: (Women who are creating Electronic business, but it's called digital business)
Not found inWeb. 3; Random House; Rosenberg. Business dict. of computers