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Europa (Satellite)

LC control 97004538
LC classificationQB404
Geographic headingEuropa (Satellite)
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Variant(s)Jupiter II (Satellite)
See alsoJupiter (Planet)--Satellites
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Special noteThis heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
Found inWork cat.: 9715959: Hoagland, Richard C. Europa, 1997.
Facts file dict. astron. (Europa--Def. Smallest of the 4 Galilean satellites of Jupiter and the one inferior in size and mass to the moon.)
McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech. (Europa, also an asteroid)
Gloss. astron. astrophysics (Europa (JII))
NASA (Europa)
AP dict. sci. tech. (Europa)
Encyc. astron. astrophysics: under Planetary satellites, pp. 414-416 (Europa)
Mitton. Conc. dict. astron. (Europa, also an asteroid)
Guinness book astron.: p. 84-85 (Europa, smooth like a billiard ball)
Dict. astron. space atmos. phen. (Europa)