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Burg Lauenstein (Ludwigsstadt, Germany)

LC control 98004824
Corporate name headingBurg Lauenstein (Ludwigsstadt, Germany)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Burg Lewenstein (Ludwigsstadt, Germany)
Lauenstein Castle (Ludwigsstadt, Germany)
Lewenstein Castle (Ludwigsstadt, Germany)
Schloss Lauenstein (Ludwigsstadt, Germany)
See alsoCastles--Germany
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inWork cat.: 98-155981: Demattio, H. Die Herrschaft Lauensti bis zum Ende des 16, c1997: p. 10 (Burg Lauenstein; "Lewenstein"; constr. 2nd half of 12th c.) p. 40 etc. (Schlosses Lauenstein)
Tillmann. Lex. dt. Burgen u. Schlösser, 1958: v. 1, p. 566 (Lauenstein; Oberfr.; castle begun before 1290; according to legend fd. by King Konrad I in 915; restored 19th c.)
LC database, Aug. 5, 1998 (Lauenstein, Ger. (Bavatia)--Burg)