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Burg Dankwarderode (Braunschweig, Germany)

LC control 98005712
Corporate name headingBurg Dankwarderode (Braunschweig, Germany)
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Variant(s)Dankwarderode Castle (Braunschweig, Germany)
See alsoCastles--Germany
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Found inWork cat.: 98-152507: Königfeld, P. Burg Dankwarderode : ein Denkmal Heinrichs des Löwen, c1995: p. 10 (f. ca. 1175)
Baedeker, northern Ger., 1913 (Burg Dankwarderode; castle built about 1175 by Henry the Lion; restored in a uniform Romanesque style in 1884)
WWW Die Burg Denkwarderode site, Aug. 17, 1998.