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Trinchera Ranch (Colo.)

LC control 98005736
Geographic headingTrinchera Ranch (Colo.)
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Geographic subdivision usageColorado--Trinchera Ranch
Variant(s)Trinchera Estate (Colo.)
See alsoRanches--Colorado
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Found inWork cat.: mm76-49577: Library of Congress Manuscript Division for Arthur family papers, 1817-1972 (Trinchera Estate (Costilla County, Colo.); 250,000 acre ranch in Colo.)
GNIS, Sept. 22, 1998 (Trinchera Ranch)
GeoNames [algorithmically matched] unknown; 37°23ʹ23ʺN 105°20ʹ12ʺW
Not found inNat. reg. hist. pl.