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Streaming technology (Telecommunications)

LC control 99000996
LC classificationTK5105.386
Topical headingStreaming technology (Telecommunications)
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Variant(s)Streamed media
Streaming media
Streaming resources
See alsoData transmission systems
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Multimedia systems
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Found inWork cat.: 98642523: Streaming media investor, c1998 (streamed media, streaming media)
High-tech Dictionary Definition WWW site, Feb. 11, 1999 (Streaming: Playing audio or video immediately as it is downloaded from the Internet,rather than storing it in a file on the receiving computer.)
PC Webopaedia Definition and Links WWW site, Feb. 11, 1999 (Streaming: a technique for transferring data such that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. Streaming technologies are becoming increasingly important with the growth of the Internet because most users do not have fast enough access to download large multimedia files quickly.)
Best practices for cataloging streaming media using RDA and MARC21, 2015: p. 1 (resources that are "streaming" over the Internet in real-time; streaming resources) p. 3 (Streaming media are video or audio transmitted over a network that can be played immediately, with no need to download an entire file before playback. Audio and/or video content is sent to the user as a data stream. A small amount of data is sent ahead to the user's computer and buffered temporarily on the hard drive, and as playback proceeds, more data is constantly streamed to the user's machine. The files created by buffering are temporary, and are gone when playback is complete. Streaming technology allows users to access audiovisual content on the Internet (or any computer network) without waiting for entire files to download. This minimizes both the amount of time required to view audiovisual content online, and the amount of storage space necessary to do so. Streaming technology also makes it possible for remote users to access live events, such as lectures or radio broadcasts, in real time.)
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