LC control no. | sj2021061152 |
Topical heading | Noncitizens |
Variant(s) | Aliens Aliens--Legal status, laws, etc. Enemy aliens Expatriates Foreign population Foreign residents Foreigners Illegal aliens Illegal immigrants Non-citizens Noncitizens--Legal status, laws, etc. Resident aliens Resident noncitizens Unauthorized immigrants Undocumented aliens Undocumented immigrants Undocumented noncitizens Unnaturalized foreign residents |
See also | Persons |
Scope note | Here are entered works on persons who are not citizens of the country in which they reside. When this heading is assigned to works on noncitizens who permanently or temporarily relocate across national borders without complying with the legal requirements of the destination country, the heading Illegal immigration is also assigned. |
Subject example tracing | Note under Illegal immigration |
Found in | UMI business vocabulary (Foreign residents; Noncitizens use Aliens) LC database, March 26, 1994 (Resident aliens) American Heritage dictionary of the English language, c2000 (alien: 1. An unnaturalized foreign resident of a country. Also called noncitizen; expatriate: 1. One who has taken up residence in a foreign country. 2. One who has renounced one's native land) Non-citizens estate, gift and generation skipping taxation, c2005-. website, Mar. 13, 2006 (alien (foreign citizen)) site viewed, November 26, 2021, published July 23, 2021, Terminology (This Policy Memorandum (PM) clarifies proper terminology at the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), and directs EOIR staff, including adjudicators, to use language that is "[consistent] with our character as a Nation of opportunity and of welcome." E.O. 14012, Sec. 1. Previous: Alien. Current: Respondent, applicant, petitioner, beneficiary, migrant, noncitizen, or non-U.S. citizen) |
Invalid LCCN | sj2021051273 |